Author: Sanjay Rath
Sanjay Rath (Oriya: ସଞୟ ରଥ) comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda). Sanjay Rath uses Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtra, Bṛhat Jātaka and Kalyāṇavarmā's Sārāvalī as the foundations of Jyotiṣa and teaches from various other Jyotiṣa scripture. His holistic teaching and writings span across various schools of thought, although not creating his own brand of astrology.
Tanu Bhāva: First House
The first house is also called the Lagna in jyotiṣa. It is the sign that is rising at the eastern horizon at a specific time and location on the earth. While it includes the entire sign of the zodiac, a bhāva is composed of nine-pada each measuring 3°20’ (9 × 3°20’ = 30°). This can vary depending on the exact longitude of the lagna. Normally we would define the lagna as occupying a specific point of the zodiac and identify it with a sign, a constellation as well as the specific degree within that constellation. Lagna bhāva or Tanurbhāva